We had a fantastic weekend with perfect weather on Sunday.

We are thrilled to share that we had a fantastic turnout with 212 tests ridden, and a special thanks to Bundara Park Stockfeeds for their fantastic tradestand. Your participation and support have made this event a resounding success.

The coffee was delicious, and our sausage sizzle was an added bonus to the event. 

A big shoutout to all our dedicated volunteers, judges, stewards, first aid responders, and outstanding committee members.

We appreciate the support from Horse Rug Whisperer for providing member prizes, Liz Visher & Doni for backing our youngest riders, and Jess from The Wild Horizon for capturing incredible photos. 

Thank you to everyone who made this competition weekend so memorable!

ACTDA Memberships

The ACT Dressage Association (ACTDA) is a volunteer-run association catering for dressage enthusiasts in the ACT and surrounding region.

We run regular competitions throughout the year, with all competitions held at Equestrian Park in Curtin in Canberra, ACT.

Don't forget to renew your ACTDA membership OR join us as a new member! Our membership year runs from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024.

Member benefits include reduced entry fees (taken off your competition entry fees via nominate) and the opportunity to compete in our annual Pointscore awards!

Our membership costs are:

Senior (over 21) - $45

Family membership - $60

Young Rider (under 21) - $35

Supporter (non-rider) - $20

To join the ACTDA as a NEW MEMBER please click the link below:


To renew your membership, please renew via your Nominate portal to avoid duplicating your memberships.

If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact us via email at admin@actda.com.au.